Moneylender Professional - Loan Servicing Software

Quickstart - Setting Up Loans

Creating a New Loan
There are two ways to open the Loan Wizard to create a new loan:
  • Click the New Loan (New Loan Toolbar Button) icon on the toolbar.
  • Click Loan < New Loan from the menu.

Loan Wizard

This opens the Loan Wizard, which asks for all the details of your loan. As you progress through the Loan Wizard, you are also required to create a new Borrower and Lender to associate with the loan. Detailed instructions for the Loan Wizard are available in the Loan Record help topic.

When you have completed the wizard, your new loan appears in the list of loans in the main window.

Next: Printing a Statement
You may also wish to Record Payments or View Reports on your loan.

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